Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Renewing Your Mind, Day 2

This post is by Christine Smith of http://www.WomensBibleCafe.com. She is a leading light on twitter @LifeVerse

Several years ago I was dissatisfied with my thoughts and relationships and I made a conscious decision to renew my mind. It happened on September 11,2001 as I was 9 months pregnant and watched many Americans die on live television. What grabbed my attention more than the horrific anger towards Americans was the way we united as a country and helped one another. After the 9/11 attacks we started caring more about our neighbors and we no longer lived isolated lives of self-interest.

I became aware that Americans needed to depend on one another rather than compete with one another. Instead of cussing at the driver who goes too slow I started to see the driver who was going the speed limit, or the elderly man driving his bride in a car as old as their wedding vows. I realized that these people, my neighbors, were also the ones helping families recover from the terrorist attack. I started noticing people assisting those affected by hurricanes, tornados, wildfires and natural disasters. What became clear to me is that they united in love and cared for one another. They were not divided by race, wealth, education or accomplishment. They stopped competing and started loving.

When I saw the hand of God in the midst of this I realized that I too wanted to love my neighbors. I had been absent from church, absent from reading my bible and hiding in self. God placed it in my heart for a renewed mind focused on His will, not mine.

At first I went to the most obvious place to renew my mind: church. I went to the church of my childhood and then started exploring new churches until I found one I connected with. I participated in small group bible study and found encouraging women who prayed over me during a family illness. Women I did not know, sharing the love of Christ with me. What captivated me most were their eyes: as I looked into the eyes of these women I saw something I did not have. It seemed to me as if their eyes glowed or sparkled, and I craved to have “the look of Christ” in my own blue eyes.

Seeking God I found Him in my bible, in my new Christian friends and in my new mind. Over time I replaced negative and toxic thoughts with love and peace from knowing God. I released myself from the bondage of shame and claimed the crown of Jesus as my attire. I recognized that I’m an heiress to a massive Kingdom in heaven and I stopped seeing myself as a victim on this side of eternity. With my renewed mind…I saw Christ in me.

Every human on this planet has the choice to renew their mind and mend their hearts through Jesus. God allows us the free will to know Him, or to turn away and hide. When Satan tempts us to sin and covers us with shame, many of us give up on God and ourselves and seek a prodigal journey. At some point you will have a life experience or a series of events where you pay attention and hear the whisper of God say “Come home to Me. I still love you and you are mine.” Make it a journey to come home and know Him- you will be blessed with a renewed mind. My life verse is Luke 10:27 NIV “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Jesus.

Christine runs the #1 Women's Bible Studies on the internet. Hope you will visit her site and also 'follow' her on twitter.

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